Powèm by Colores

April 2023

Multiple locations

Powèm by Colores
Project by Sandra March

Powem by Colores is a collective student publication spotlighting the languages and colors that reflect Miami.

Earlier this year, O, Miami, and artist Sandra March led students from Morningside K-8 Academy through poetry lessons where each participant mixed primary colors - cyan, magenta, and yellow - into a new color that represents their perspective of the city. The students then wrote a new poem mixing the “primary” languages English, Spanish, and Creole. This amalgamation of poetry and color theory will be distributed during the month of April as a collective color scape; reflecting the mixture of languages ​​and cultures that make up Miami.

Sandra March
is a multidisciplinary artist. Her purpose is to make everyday stories universal, using humor, emotion, and/or reflection to create multidisciplinary artistic projects, which take the form of installations, participatory works, and publications. Having the body, biography, and social criticism as major topics. Along with critical thinking, engagement, and education as values.

Click here to view the full photo album
