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All open calls for submissions will be listed here. If an opportunity is not listed, that means we're not open to those types of submissions right now. Subscribe to our newsletter for more updates!

Zip Odes

The Zip Ode, an original form invented by O, Miami, and WLRN, is designed to transform your zip code into an occasion for a place-based, lyrical celebration.

Write the numbers of your zip code down the left-hand side of the page. Each number determines the number of words in that line. You can now submit your five-line poem about your zip code year-round.

In the Belly of the Bird/Godmother

O, Miami is now accepting poetry and prose that will inspire the narrative and choreography of a new dance performance by Pioneer Winter Collective during the 2025 Poetry Festival.

In the Belly of the Bird is a poetic-theatrical dance performance by Pioneer Winter, in collaboration with O, Miami, that explores how a mother's presence endures beyond physical loss. An intergenerational cast weaves dance, spoken word, and dreamlike imagery through themes of grief, memory, and escapism.

Now the same age as his mother when she passed away at 37, choreographer Pioneer Winter wonders if an African Grey parrot—given away after her death—still carries her voice.

The Greenhouse

The O, Miami Greenhouse is a guided self-study program for South Florida creatives of all disciplines aged 18-25. The program is open to individuals regardless of intersectionality.

Program Dates: June-August 2025 (weekly meetings & biweekly Zoom sessions).

Through one-on-one mentorship, professional development, and access to Miami artists and arts spaces, the Greenhouse program cultivates the skills and projects of budding Miami creatives across artistic disciplines.

This program is not suitable for students enrolled or planning to attend a 2 or 4-year program in the Fall of 2025 or Spring 2026. Applications open March 1 and close April 15.