Poetry Parking Tickets

The right place, at the right time

Poetry Parking Tickets
Project by Christina Frigo

“Poetry Parking Tickets” are made to look like Miami-Dade County parking tickets, but instead of a citation, each ticket contains a poem. Created by Christina Frigo, this project turns the experience of getting ticketed into a positive one. Tickets are distributed in various locations onto unsuspecting windshields, but Miamains may also pick up tickets at select O, Miami events to “ticket a friend.” If you find a Poetry Parking Ticket in the wild, post it on social media with the hashtags #omiami and #poetryparkingticket.

Learn More: The 2025 O, Miami Poetry Festival starts April 1st

Featured poems:

Home in Spring Time

My home is a mess!

The floor is dust

The tables are mud

My toys are running around

on the ground

Our car is dirt

Now my home is clean

The floor is gold

The tables are diamonds

My room is a forest of organization

Our car is rubies

Now I need to shower

-Lindsay, 3rd Grade, Fienberg-Fisher K-8


I'm a dandelion.

My seeds flow in the wind

like the dust of an old burned house.

One day I will be a stem like my friends,

no seeds, just stem.

Does it hurt? No. Does it hurt for the house?

No. It's life.

-Sophia, 3rd Grade, Fienberg-Fisher K-8


Quand les nuages sont pleins d'eau

Quand tu vois ton ordinateur

Quand tu te sens triste

La couleur du métal

La couleur des rats, des chats, et des dauphins

La couleur de tes cheveux quand tes vieux

La couleur des voitures et des vaisseaux spatiaux

J’entends les oiseaux qui viennent de naitre

-Linda, 4th Grade, Coconut Grove Elementary


Powèm sa mwen renmen

Mwen renmen limyè klere ki klere

nan mitan lanwit lan.

Soti nan ti zetwal ki soti nan pye bwa la

mwen pafwa pense la ap pale avè mwen.

L mwen gade nan lanwit ak toupre mwen

ak rondi konsa pou nan espas.

Mwen ale deyo epi mwen gade bo a epi

mwen gade tèt mwen epi mwen di sa mwen ye.

-Kervensly, 3rd Grade, Morningside K-8


Cuando despierto el

sonido de la alarma

"tu tu tu"

llegando al colegio

loros llenan de armonía mis oidos

con sonidos majestuosos

haciendo "cuu cuu"

imitando mis palabras en diminutiva

y gonzando con felicidad

-Thomas, 7th Grade Fienberg-Fisher K-8
