Miami: I'm Aim

April 13, 2018

Miami Metromover

Miami: I'm Aim is an intervention by poet César Segovia.

Using the free downtown Metromover as a gathering space, Segovia invites participants to write palindromic poems in both English and Spanish.

Performances on Wednesdays for three consecutive weeks in April.

Los palíndromos son palabras o frases que se leen igual al derecho y al revés. Como los trenes. Si estás en el área de downtown, súbete a un tren del Metromover y descubre los poemas palindrómicos de César Segovia.

Palindromes are words or phrases that can be read forward or backward and tell the same. Like trains. If you are in the downtown area, ride the Metromover and discover Cesar Segovia's palindromic poems.
