Poetry in Bloom

April 2021

Dolly's Florist and wherever they deliver

Poetry in Bloom
Project by Sandra Beasley (she/her) and Neil de la Flor (he/him)
Presented in partnership with SWWIM/SWWIM Every Day and Dolly's Florist

Want to send a poem with your next floral bouquet? Dolly’s Florist is designing floral bouquets with poems during the month of April. SWWIM (Supporting Women Writers in Miami) has curated 8-12 different poems, to be published in SWWIM Every Day and featured in the bouquets. Each design is printed and folded into an origami shape that is mounted into flower arrangements using rods with alligator-clips. Once unfolded from its original origami shape, each poem-page displays the full text plus crediting. A URL and QR code leads to a website with additional information, such as scalable texts for accessibility purposes, and recordings of the poets reading (where possible). Dolly’s Florist will offer custom-designed “National Poetry Month'' bouquets featuring multiple poems, plus add-ins of a single poem in random arrangements to surprise unsuspecting customers. The goal of the project is to introduce poems into 150-200 households. To order a poetry bouquet, go here (Miami area only). For more about the project, visit SWWIM.
