Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025
Doral Cultural Arts Center
8363 NW 53rd St, Doral, FL 33166
ABCs of Miami Story Time & Artmaking
With Westofchester's Melissa Gutierez
Free | RSVP Here
Young artists can join Westofchester and O, Miami at the Doral Cultural Center for an afternoon of creativity and exploration. The event will kick off with a fun and interactive reading of ABCs of Miami by Melissa Gutierrez, followed by a hands-on artmaking workshop led by the talented author herself.
About ABCs of Miami
Westofchester's ABCs of Miami by artist and illustrator Melissa Gutierrez of Westofchester is O, Miami's first children's publication. This bilingual picture book celebrates iconic Miami landmarks with unique illustrations for each letter of the alphabet. From A to Ñ to Z, we invite readers to reminisce about Miami's past, discover its present, and create new memories for the future.
Melissa Gutierrez is an artist and illustrator. Her artwork, which can be seen on her Instagram page Westofchester, pays homage to Miami suburban nostalgia. She is a senior designer at Adobe and Westofchester’s ABCs of Miami (O, Miami) is her first book.